Sunday, September 28, 2008

What a Great Day!!

This weekend I scored my first goal of the season. I am very proud of myself because I am not very good at forward. I am more a defensive player. Yesturday was a very good day to play soccer. There was a nice breeze out and it was llike 70 degrees out. Right after the game me and my family went out to see a movie. We saw "Ghost Town". It was fairly good. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. And of course I knittied in the movie theater while I watched it. I am working on my 4th cell phone case. i really like the pattern and how it takes me less than a day to make one. i'll show you some pictures of the ones that i finished next time. I want to make something else, using crochet, I was thinking maybe a pair of gloves or some sort of toy. HA!!! How about a halloween decoration!!! Maybe I'll crochet a pumpkin! I am going to look on Ravelry right now.....

See you later


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY, Come Back Another Day!!!

OMG!!! We must of had a least 12 inches of rain from hurricane Ike!!! I was stuck inside and about ready to scream and destroy everything that was around me!! Our street got so flooded in front of my house that we couldn't drive out of it!!! I thought I was gona go mad!! I took some pictures of the rain storm.... here they are....

Our nicely flooded street!!

A nice river that was flowing through our backyard.

A nice little waterfall that was in our backyard

That nice little splash in our river is supose to be a drain but as you can see it really isn't doing a very good job.

Now that that is out of the way why don't I tell you about my latest FO and projects. Well first I finished my sunny set purse from crochet today. I actually finished it like 3 months ago but i couldn't find the right button for it and I was kinda lazy about taking a picture of it. Here are pictures of it.....

full view

Close up

sorry about the ligting. Since it was raining outside I had to take a picture of it inside and the lighting was not good at ALL!

I am also working on my first shrug!!! It is turing out really well so far... I really like the look of it. It is a lace knitting pattern. Here are some more pictures.....

The first image is the best picture of what color it is. It is suppose to look like a sage green.

That's all that has happened here. My teachers are hitting me hard with all of the hw and projects. Who in the right mind would make 2 big projects from different classes due on the same day!!! I should probably get started on them.......

Talk to you later!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I am happy to say that I finished my first pair of mittens!!! I decided to make them once I noticied that it was starting to get a little could outside, and my hands started to get could while waiting for the bus to come. I got the pattern out of one of my mom's old knitting magazines. It is dated 1989!!!! It is a simple pair of mittens with a cable going down the middle and garter stitch in the backround. What really subprised me was how they fit me really well!!! Here are some pictures of them....

Sorry about the backrounds. I couldn't think of anywhere else to photgraph them. I really liked the yarn I used. It was a wool/cotton blend and is very warm and cozy!! I donn't know if you can tell but the yarn is green and brown colored.

Nothing else really happend. I started school about 2 weeks ago, I like all of my teachers. They seem really nice. I was planning on posting pictures of all of my projects I finished over the summer, but I don't have time to take pictures of all of them and post them. I might do it over Christmas break.

I am thinking about making a shrug for my next project and I think this one might be a good one to try... I think how it is open and seems to have a nice fit. It look fairly easy to knit. I found it on Ravelry.

Talk to ya later!!!!