We also got snow!!! (A couple days after thanksgiving)
I managed to knit 2 pairs of mittens, sew some headbands and finish my pj pants!!!Here is one of the mittens I finished!! It is just a very simple stockinnet stitch mitten. I made one pair for myself and the other one for my big sister.
This baby bib I made for my teacher whose wife was expecting a baby. They really liked it and sent me a thank you card!!!
This crochet flower neclace took me like 10 minuets to make. It was super simple and easy to make!! I really like the way it turned out and will definaltly be making more in the near future. On the other hand it rained here. Hard. Our street and backyard flooded so bad that we couldn't even drive anywhere let alone walk. So I was stuck inside. All day. A full 24 hours. It was horrible. I was about ready to pluck my eyes out just because it was something to do. I had to go to the yarn store to get some yarn for my next project and we had apsolutely no food in the house!!! I mostly watched T.V. yesturday and played on the computer. Our power kept flickering on and off though so someimes my activities were interupted because my computer had to restart. That's is about it. It has been pretty borring around here so nothing spectacular to anounce to you guys...
I'm totally the opposite! I would LOVE being stuck inside for a day! well, as long as there is food and yarn! Hope you have enough to keep you entertained!
LOL You sound very industrious. And being bored once in a while is a blessing! At least, it's something I can barely remember and really miss... Having kids is intense. Feels like you're always busy, even when you're not even doing anything. haha, that sounds insane.
Is the pattern for those mittens on Ravelry? I reallky like it.
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