Thursday, July 9, 2009

Spring-- er Summer Cleaning!

At the beginning of the summer my crafting mojo started to kick in again, so i went down to my craft table and found this.

Now I'm debating with myself. "Should I clean this? I mean it's not that bad." Then my mind started to kick in and said, " Actually, it is that bad." Then i said, "Yeah I am going to clean this." And i did!!! After a couple of hours i see some improvement!!!Almost Done!!!!!


Now i can craft with a peace of mind!!! The clutter was pretty bad now that i look at the pictures, so i'm so glad i cleaned it!!!

Have a Nice Day!!!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer 2009 Goals!

So over at Ravelry, a group called Teens Knit and Crochet had a great idea for us to list our goals for the summer of 2009!!! Here's the list that i came up with!

I like this idea! At the end of summer break, I can see if I achieved al of my goals.

  • Volenteer (maybe my library or local animal shelter)
  • Sew some sort of dress. i am working my way to that goal already! I just finished pj pants and now am working on an apron!
  • Earn some money. I am saving up to buy some nice yarn at my local yarn store. I have never knitted/crocheted w/ alpaca or silk or cashmere… ect.
  • Read. I love to read but sometimes my mind will wonder too much and therefore I can’t concentrate.
  • Garden. I would like to grow some herbs, vegtebals, and some flowers.
  • Exercise. I usually run in the summer, but I would like to do a little more like run and bike or run and lift weights.
  • Blog more. I have been a pretty bad blogger. I sometimes go 2 weeks without posting.
  • Eat Healthier. As the end of school comes closer, my eating habits tend to worsen. I sometimes end up eating cookies for breakfast.! (oops ;)
  • Less T.V. and computer. I realize that I spend most of my time on the weekends watching T.V. and playing on the computer. I hope to change that because I need to get out and breath in some fresh air every now and then.
  • Start a fair isle project. I have always been afraid of totally screwing it up, but now if it is summer, I will have time to take my time. :)
  • Keep up my basketball skills!
  • Journal for some of the summer.
I've already reached some of my goals, and it seems like I am on the road towards success! At the end of the summer, i am gonna read this list again and see how i did. I will post my results at the end of the summer.


I don't really know what the title should be, so i just put a heart. I feel bad, i am a horrible blogger!!! I haven't blogged in like 2 months!!! Since my last post, school has been let out, and summer has come in!!!!! It's already the middle of the summer!!!! I am doing this cross-country camp at my high school, which is a lot of fun. I also did a basketball camp, but that's over (which was tons of fun too!). The summer's been pretty fun, camps-wise, but other times, it can get really lonely. Last year, my "friends" talked about me behind my back, telling each other that I shouldn't knit or crochet, that I shouldn't wear things that i've made to school. They seemed embarrassed to be around me because of what i'd wear to school. I never really had clothes that "fit the bill". I have barely any clothes that i can call my own. I am usually wearing my sister's old clothes that aren't in style anymore. It bothers me that i know i don't have any friends because of what i look like on the outside.
About 12 days ago, my beloved science teacher passed way. He suffered a heart attack and died. It seems so surreal, right now. I feel like I'm almost in denial about it. Like i could still go visit him at school. I viewed him as an adult that was MEANT to be teaching. He could connect with his classes. Students wanted to do well, they looked forward to his class. He was a go-lucky-guy, he had a great sense of humor (especially with his fart machine at teacher meetings!) :D!!! He has kept a special place in all of our hearts, that'll never fade away. He was like a candle, using his life to light the way for others.

My knitting, crocheting, and sewing has been hibernating and i don't know why... I just don't feel as proud of it anymore. Maybe because everyone i know says i should stop because it's "not cool"... I don't know.

Happy 4th of July. I marched in the parade with my band, but the bells are really heavy, and my back started to hurt halfway through.

I am gonna post some pictures of my FOs from a really long time ago!!! Here they are!!!

some dishclothes
some crayon holders for my Spanish teacher (who has 2 little kids)

Some fingerless mitts!
A random baby bib that i made from some leftover cotton