Sunday, September 28, 2008
What a Great Day!!
See you later
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go AWAY, Come Back Another Day!!!
Our nicely flooded street!!
A nice river that was flowing through our backyard.
A nice little waterfall that was in our backyard
full view
Close up
sorry about the ligting. Since it was raining outside I had to take a picture of it inside and the lighting was not good at ALL!
I am also working on my first shrug!!! It is turing out really well so far... I really like the look of it. It is a lace knitting pattern. Here are some more pictures.....
The first image is the best picture of what color it is. It is suppose to look like a sage green.
That's all that has happened here. My teachers are hitting me hard with all of the hw and projects. Who in the right mind would make 2 big projects from different classes due on the same day!!! I should probably get started on them.......
Talk to you later!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sorry about the backrounds. I couldn't think of anywhere else to photgraph them. I really liked the yarn I used. It was a wool/cotton blend and is very warm and cozy!! I donn't know if you can tell but the yarn is green and brown colored.
Nothing else really happend. I started school about 2 weeks ago, I like all of my teachers. They seem really nice. I was planning on posting pictures of all of my projects I finished over the summer, but I don't have time to take pictures of all of them and post them. I might do it over Christmas break.
I am thinking about making a shrug for my next project and I think this one might be a good one to try... I think how it is open and seems to have a nice fit. It look fairly easy to knit. I found it on Ravelry.Talk to ya later!!!!